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about us

Lydia C Creative Life is a boutique provider of signature art for your signature space.


Under the Lydia C Creative Life umbrella, Lydia paints her heart out in a storytelling fashion.  Lydia also blogs about the everyday life of an artist who loves her Creator.  ARTwear is produced and sold both in The Loft at Camano Commons and online. Mr&Mrs C original designs on wood are crafted by her husband Rich.  Kidcrafts are being dreamed of.  Books and prints are soon to come.


How did Lydia C Creative Life begin?


Several years ago, when their kids were beginning to adult, Rich was looking toward retirement from being a public school teacher and they had just closed their theater non-profit after writing and producing theater together for 20 years.  One evening Rich turned to Lydia out of the blue and said, "It's time to paint."  And Lydia C Creative Life was born.  Lydia began painting from her heart with a new found courage to tell stories in unusual ways.  She is best known for her portraits of original dress designs and her canvases that incorporate vintage music.


Lydia C also has a clothing division of fair trade, eco-friendly ARTwear featuring her original designs.  The net profits are donated to ministries, locally and globally, who provide both rescue and long term recovery for victims of human trafficking.  To that end, she is self publishing 7 Dresses, an art book about a journey toward freedom from perfectionism through the process of painting the original seven portraits of dresses - each a symbol of an aspect of freedom she was led through in the process of painting these original designs.  Hopefully, the book will be available by December 2024.


Rich and Lydia live on Camano Island in Washington State.  They enjoy clean movies, walks by the water, small gatherings with friends and serving alongside their friends at church. 


They have a passion to see G-rated, family friendly art and entertainment options made available to our culture.  They admire and adore their own two grown children, Davis and Laina, who have now each been assigned a pen color so that their parents can mark where their travels take them all over the globe.


Lydia blogs her heart out and writes a newsletter that keep readers posted on The Loft, an art gallery she runs for Camano Commons Marketplace that showcases 100% local artists and artisans.  The second half of the newsletter lets you in on her latests creations and takes you behind the scenes of her heart.



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Note: I only send my newsletter every 2 weeks or so. I do not share your contact info - ever. I do not sell directly from my email.This is just to let you know what's new in my creative realm.Welcome!

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